
Bevzo Halyna Andriyivna


Sources of origin of ecological terminology in English and Ukrainian languages

Defence Date



The thesis research is focused on the study of sources of the formation of
ecological terminology in the English and Ukrainian languages. Ecological
terminology is gaining in popularity and is increasingly becoming the subject of
research. The environment is of particular value to society. The issues of
environmental protection, environmental safeties are one of the most urgent today.
Ecological terms are becoming more commonly used in the media.
Studied material are English and Ukrainian publicist and lexicographical
materials on ecological topics, namely the most well-known journalistic and
lexicographic materials of environmental topics in English and Ukrainian over the
past 3 decades. Such selection is due to the fact that after the Chernobyl accident the
environmental problems of humanity became more widely covered in scientific and
journalistic publications of Ukraine. Accordingly, English terms have also been
studied on the material of this period.
The scientific novelty of the results of work is related to the identification of
the main sources of the formation of ecological terms.
The development of English and Ukrainian ecological terminology systems
and their place in the scientific terminology discourse has been researched. The
sources of formation of the studied ecological terms are determined. The
classification and typology of ecological terminology systems are developed, their
common and distinctive features are determined.
Practical importance the obtained results is the possibility of their application
in normative courses on introduction the language science (disciplines “Lexics and
phraseology”, “Grammar”), General Language Science (disciplines “Text linguistics”,
“Language and thinking”, “Structure of the Language”), Stylistics of English and
Ukrainian language (“Grammatical stylistics”), comparable typology of English and 15

Ukrainian languages (disciplines “Typology of lexical systems”, Theory and Practice
of Translation (disciplines “Written translation”, “The Theory and Practice of
Translation from Ukrainian into English”, “The Theory and Practice of Translation
from English into Ukrainian”), linguistic analysis of the text.
The structure and volume of the work. The dissertation consists of
introduction, four sections, conclusions, lists of used literature and used sources. The
full volume of the dissertation is 186 pages: the main contents is presented on 161
Ecology as a sphere of replenishment of the vocabulary of the English and
Ukrainian languages, and the source of the formation of the ecological terminology
system in the studied languages is characterized by the use of lexical units of
ecological orientation.
The ecological terminology of the English and Ukrainian languages categorizes
knowledge of people about ecology, ecological systems, etc. Categorization of
ecological experience takes place on the basis of knowledge about ecology as a
science. In this regard, ecological terminology covers a large number of terms for the
designation of various environmental phenomena, concepts, etc.
The ecological terminology system covers two main categories – 1) the
ecological itself, which includes terms that refer to the phenomena of nature, the
environment, etc. (for example: Eng. nature, sea, forest; Ukr. метабіоз, повітря,
крига) and 2) social, which includes terms related to the anthropogenic impact of
society on the ecology of the planet (For example: Eng. waste utilization, filtration,
deforestation; Ukr. радіоактивні відходи, забруднення повітря, споживання
природних ресурсів) sources of ecological terminology lexics reach the period
before the appearence of ecology as a science.
The uniqueness of the formation of branch systems of the English and
Ukrainian languages is connected with the problems of ecology nowadays. The
ecological system is formed under the influence of a number of factors. Internal
factors are related to semantic processes in the midst of the available terms, namely:
changes in the meaning of the word, metaphorization, specification and
generalization of meaning. External factors are associated with the processes of
globalization and the establishment of contacts between states in the field of ecology.
Ecological terminology lexis comes from different sources. Our research has
made it possible to identify the following sources that are common to the English and
Ukrainian languages: semantic processes of the passage of lexical units of the
national language to the ecological terminology system. In both studied languages,
the productive source of ecological terms is word-formation processes (affixation,
word-building, abbreviation).
The ecological terminology of the English language develops under the
influence of various semantic processes. It is dynamic and experiences the influence
of globalization, in connection with which neologisms appear in the language.
Semantic processes in the ecological terminology system of the English language are
associated with changes in the meaning of lexical units. One of the sources of
formation of environmental terminology is metaphorization. A significant source of
replenishment of the ecological terminology system is the word-formation processes:
afixation, stem formation, conversion.
In the Ukrainian language, metaphorization, substantiation and generalization,
affixation, word-and-stem construction, and abbreviation are used to form the names
of environmental concepts.
Key words: ecology, term, sources of origin, thematic classification, semantic
classification, linguistic concept.

Dissertation File

Autosummary File