
Dobrzynski Adam Andrzej


The Attributes of Evil in the European Philosophical and Theological Tradition: the Ontological Perspective

Defence Date



The thesis conducted a theoretical generalization of the European philosophical and
theological thought, considering the logical and chronological stages of formation of the
ontological dimension of the problem of evil. For substantiation of the original principles of
the study the author comes from the semantically-linguistic origin of the word “evil” (in
Greek and Latin tradition).
The author clarifies the areas of understanding of evil: (1) mythological, (2) the
Christian Bible, (3) theological and (4) philosophical, determining their characteristics and
ontological conditions. Within the philosophical approach, four kinds of evil were reviewed:
metaphysical (ontological), physical (natural), moral, and social. The author presents
alternative classifications of evil, such as: natural and moral; demonic, evil-tool, idealistic
evil, evil of foolishness; evil as a simulacrum of truth, evil as betrayal, forcing the unnamed;
an unequivocal and a multi-valued evil, and other.
The analysis of the evolution of the concept of evil in European theology contain in-
depth scientific interpretation of the theological focus of evil. It is argued that for the most
Christian theologians, the issue of evil is inseparable from the question of free will, God,
man and angels. In addition to traditional negative ontology of evil, the author revealed
elements more or less well-developed positive ontology of evil.
The analysis of the most important philosophical concepts helps to trace the dynamics
of changes, to distinguish the main stages and their features in the context of the reasoning
of evil. This allowed the author to determine the basis for the conceptualization of the
ontological attributes of evil. It has been proven that postmodern philosophers find the
constructive force of evil in the inseparability of good and evil as an ontological principle;
and the right dosing of evil serves as an antidote to the “disease on positivity”. Evil is
asserted as autonomous, and good is both dialectical and self-sufficient in its existence.
The study closes and concludes the part dedicated to the ontological attributes of evil.
In its framework, on the basis of the analysis of traditional concepts of evil has been formed
the conceptual model two main approaches to the subject: the positive and the negative
ontology of evil. The positive ontology of evil includes: evil as a building material, the
modus or the state of being, the actual existing force, defect, something recognizable,
necessary for the existence of good and a man – permanently or as a transition state,
aggression or hatred, corruption and neglect of measure. The negative ontology of evil
includes: non-existence, illusion, and deception, lack or absence, something unknowable,
indifference and uncertainty, secondary or optional state, which does not possess the
ontological status.
The author structured the methodological principles and analytical tools of the
research: an original project was proposed to construct the structure of the ontology of evil,
carried out on the basis of analytical comprehension and creative development of the
principles of Alfred North Whitehead’s non-classical ontology and the theory of the
heterogony of ends proposed by Wilhelm Wundt. Based on these metaphysical and
methodological principles (considering the main mechanism of the actual essence of evil),
the author has made and justified the division into “pure” and “mixed” (complex) the topical
entities (cases) of evil.
This helped determine the main directions of studying the process of evil. It should
be emphasized that the process of deploying evil in the world is considered through its
functional load for the world, God and man. Regarding the functions of evil, the following
vectors of action are distinguished: (1) metaphysical; (2) aesthetic; (3) ethical; (4)
dialectical; (5) phenomenological. Proceeding from the fact that evil – not valid, not
necessary, but fundamentally, essentially possible, it was determined that the prolongation
of evil may acquire the following formats: emanation, “infection”, inheritance, violation or
error. Moreover, highlighted the creative nature of evil, which is founded in its nature, which
dialectically balances the destructive component of its existential nature.
Key words: evil, ontology of evil, positive ontology, negative ontology, attributes of
evil, actual essence, defect, imperfection, non-existence, corruption, sin, absurdity,
ontological infection, European philosophy, European theology, mythology, the Holy Bible.

Dissertation File

Autosummary File