
Gordiy Oksana Myroslavivna


Expressive and Communicative Phraseology of Modern German in the Internet-Texts.

Defence Date



Thesis for a Candidate’s Degree in Philology, Speciality 10.02.04 – Germanic Languages.
– Ivan  Franko  Lviv National University, Ministry of  Education and Science of Ukraine,
Lviv, 2016.
In the thesis traditional approaches to the study of expressive and communicative
idioms are evaluated. The definition of phraseological expressives and communicatives is
given  and  their  description  as  a  unifed  functional-semantic  field  is  argued.  They  are
demarcated of related phenomena and crossing zones are described.
The lexicographical representation of expressive and communicative phraseological
units of German is analized and their lexicographical selection is carried out. Differences
of the basic forms (units with sentence structure or verbal idioms) are pointed out.
The conclusion is made as follows: the functional-semantic field of phraseological
expressives and communicatives of Modern German in the speakers’ mind is represented
by a fragment of lexical-semantic system of language with thesaurus taxonomic structure,
numerous hyperlinks and diffuse intertwining areas. An appropriate classification scheme
of phraseological expressives and communicatives of Modern German was developed.
According  to  the  theory  of  interpersonal  communication  phraseological
communicatives  as  the  units  with  defined  speech  intentions  are  divided  into  functional
groups of productive and unproductive communication styles. Necessitated by the failure
of  setting  a  discrete  boundary  in  all  cases  between  phraseological  units  with  expressive
semantic  dominant  and  only  communicative  function  an  ambivalent  transition  zone  of
expressive and communicative  featured  idioms  is defined, which  makes a quantitatively
significant part of the studied empirical language material.
Linguo-cultural  analysis  was  applied  in  order  to  discover  national  cultural
component of semantics of phraseological expressives and communicatives of German. As
a result units with cultural symbolic component, as well as phrases with the «obscured»
authorship and phrases, which reflect national and cultural realities of various spheres of
national life are determined. The peculiarities of their usage in discourse are stated.
The capability of the Internet as a linguistic corpus is determined. The advantages of
use of this method in the phraseological studies are highlighted and the limits are outlined.
The frequency of use of German expressive and communicative idioms is analysed with
the  help  of  the  search  engine  Google.  The  possibility  of  applying  this  method  in  the
phraseographic projects is argued. Data of Internet search were to be verified by written
survey of native speakers. The results for the frequency groups were comparable with the
data search in the Internet. The Internet as a corpus proved to be consistent and reflects the
functioning of phraseological units as close as possible to the real language.
Combination of features of speech and writing in the Internet-texts is explained by
the specific parameters of communication channel and medium; by their action a particular
media variant of language is formed, which displays specific phonetic-graphic, lexical and
grammatical features.
A  special  attention  is  paid  to  the  ability  of  Internet  communication  generally  and
functioning of phraseological expressives and communicatives in particular to much more
frequent combination of visual and verbal channels of information due to the technological
features  of  the  network  as  well  to  the  inextricably  linked  to  this  phenomenon  double
actualization  both  of  literal  and  significant  idiomatic  reading  of  phraseological  units,
whose potential is much wider than in traditional print media.
While  analyzing  the  functioning  of  expressive  and  communicative  phraseological
units of German in different genre formats in online discourse, it was concluded about the
universal nature of their creative use, appeal and entertainment functions.
The expressive and communicative idioms of German are considered as precedent
phenomena that convey folk humor, express common emotional-evaluative picture of the
world. Expecially the core of researched functional-semantic field (units’ groups with high
and medium frequency of use) acquires in the analyzed genres of Internet communication
effect of «discursive added value» and contributes to the creation of cognitive-ideological
framework of the German linguistic culture.
Key  words:  German,  phraseology,  phraseological  unit,  linguistic  corpus,  Internet
discourse, pragmatic idioms, phraseological expressives and communicatives, recurrence,
illocutive function, conceptual spoken and written language, precedent phenomenon.

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