
Grynevych Inna Mykolajyvna


Folkloristics of artistic creation of Osyp Makovey in the ethnoesthetic dimension

Defence Date



Гриневич И.М. Фольклоризм художественного творчества Осипа Маковея
в этноэстетическом измерении. – Квалификационная научная работа на правах

Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата филологических наук по
специальности 10.01.07 – фольклористика. – Львовский национальный университет
имени Ивана Франко. – Львов, 2017.
В диссертации впервые всесторонне раскрыто художественное творчество Осипа
Маковея сквозь призму этноэстетических критериев. На материале творческого
наследия и архивных документов осуществлено комплексный анализ творчества
Осипа Степановича.
В работе исследованы генезис этноэстетики, обозначена интерпретация понятия
«фольклоризм» как объекта теоретичесского дискурса, проведено сопоставительный
анализ фольклорной и литературной традиций.
В исследовании проведен системный анализ фольклорных элементов,
исспользуемых в литературных текстах Осипа Маковея, в частности символов,
архетипов, мифологем, народных образов, художественных средств, мотивов,
лейтмотивов, реминисценций и прочих, составляющих основу этноэстетизации
авторского произведения.
Ключевые слова: О.С. Маковей, фольклоризм, этноэстетика, художественное
творчество, архетип, образ, символ, мифология, комическое.

Grynevych І.М. Folkloristics of artistic creation of Osyp Makovey in the
ethnoesthetic dimension. – Qualification scientific work on the rights of a manuscript.

Thesis for a candidate degree of philology sciences in specialty 10.01.07 – folklore
studies. – Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. – Lviv, 2017.
In the thesis for the first time Osip Makovey’s artistic creativity is comprehensively
disclosed through the prism of ethnoesthetic criteria. Using the creative legacy of the author
and archival documents, the author made a comprehensive analysis of the works of Osip
In this work the genesis of ethno-aesthetics is studied, the interpretation of the concept
of “folklorism” as an object of theoretical discourse is elucidated, and a comparative analysis
of the folklore and literary tradition is conducted.
The research reveals the mechanism of functioning of ethnoesthetic elements in the
fabric of a literary text. The author analyzes historical facts through the lens of
ethnoesthetics (historical figures, national characters, Ukrainian, Polish, Turkish mentality,
national psychotypes).
There is analyzed a short novel “Yaroshenko” by Osyp Makovey, written as a historical

and artistic work (1903). The basis of the short novel constitutes historical facts, events, the
so-called Old War, namely the Battle of Khotyn in 1621.
The research systematized the analysis of folk elements used in the literary texts of
Osip Makovey, in particular such as: symbols, archetypes, mythologisms, folk images,
artistic means, motifs, leitmotifs, reminiscences, etc., which form the basis for
ethnoesthetization of the author’s work.
The collection “Our Acquaintances” (1901), the collection “The Stories” (1904), the
collection “A Squinty Eye” (1923) are analyzed and there schematically presented the most
acute problems of human perception, ridiculed by O. Makovey.
The paper outlines the folklore symbols in the literary text, which is implemented
within the framework of artistic microsystems. There are conceptually highlighted the
archetypes used by the author that create the ethno-aesthetic influence on the system of
education. The mechanism of the mythopoetic transformations of poetic images into the
literary text is described.
A comprehensive study of the embodiment of spatial, temporal, moral and ethical
concepts of originality of the national-language picture of the world was carried out. There
is characterized the creation of positive emotions through the use of comic (humor, satire,
irony) transmitted by such means: grotesque, hyperbole, parody, situational irony, ironic
comparisons, deformed idioms, means of contrast, paradoxical situations, dialogical
replicas, inserts and inserted designs, proverbs and sayings, comparison, epithets, allegories,
metaphors, etc.
The characteristic features of Osyp Makovey’s creativity are being generalized through
the prism of ethno-aesthetics.
Key words: О.S. Makovey, folklorism, ethnoesthetics, artistic creativity, archetype,
image, symbol, mythology, comic.

Dissertation File

Autosummary File