
Koval Rostyslav Semenovych


Terms of physical therapy and rehabilitation medicine in French and Ukrainian.

Defence Date



The etymological, lexical-semantic, structural and functional features of the term
system of rehabilitation in the French and Ukrainian languages are the objects of the
The interpretation of French terms réadaptation (f), rééducation (f),
réhabilitation (f), réinsertion (f), médecine (f) physique et de réadaptation / MPR,
physiothérapie (f), and Ukrainian terms реабілітація, фізична та реабілітаційна
медицина / ФРМ, фізична терапія, фізіотерапія are considered and analysed, on
the basis of which the definition of the notion term of rehabilitation is proposed.
The rehabilitation term refers to a word or phrase that denotes a specific
professional concept of the sphere, the meaning of which is reproduced in the
definition, and which is an integral part of this term system.
It has been established that term system of rehabilitation covers the terms of
medical and socio-psychological rehabilitation, physical therapy and ergotherapy
(occupational therapy), which relate to four groups: defects, disorders and diseases;
tests, scales and classifications; means and methods of rehabilitation and functional
recovery; the name of the specialists. We have analysed all groups except the first
one. More than 2,300 French terms with the corresponding translation into Ukrainian
have been selected and analysed.
The scientific novelty of the work is that for the first time an original
methodology of complex comparative analysis of French and Ukrainian
rehabilitation terms was developed; the typology of French and Ukrainian
rehabilitation terms was compiled; typological properties of these heterogeneous and
distant languages in terms of their rehabilitation terms representation were
characterized; etymological, lexico-semantic, structural and functional features of
French and Ukrainian language rehabilitation terms were analysed; a dictionary was
compiled, where a considerable number of French abbreviations are offered to be
included into the scientific circulation of the Ukrainian language, as well as names of
rehabilitation facilities and methods, classifications, scales and tests.
As a result of the study, it can be concluded that these groups consist of one-
component terms, complex terms, terminological phrases and abbreviations. The
most productive ways of creating terms are suffixation, basic word-formation, the use
of terminological phrases and abbreviations. The eponyms represent the stages of the
formation of rehabilitation.
Most of analysed French abbreviations are initialisms and acronyms. Generally
abbreviations are three, four and five component. English borrowings recorded.
Abbreviations in Ukrainian term system of rehabilitation are much less used.
Synonymy of the terms of rehabilitation is determined by the parallel use of
abbreviations and full forms; eponyms; toponyms; borrowings; colloquial terms
(dialectic), homonyms and metaphors. The domination of English as the main donor
for the term system of rehabilitation in the languages under study is explained by the
dynamic development of rehabilitation in English-speaking countries during the XX–
XXI centuries.
The rehabilitation term system is characterized by synonymous, hyper-
hyponomic and other paradigmatic and syntagmatic connections. Therefore, the
systematic representation of the rehabilitation term system in the compared
languages is implemented in its field grouping.
The emergence of neologisms is due to the active use of communication and
information technologies in the processes of rehabilitation, which lead to the
formation of new concepts that require their own nomination. The télé- / теле-
component, suffix -ing, and borrowings from English are productive ways of creating
new terms in the subject field.
The most difficult to translate are abbreviations. Optimal methods of translating
rehabilitation terms from French into Ukrainian are descriptive (explication) method,
loan translation (calque), transliteration and transcription, and from Ukrainian into
French – descriptive (explication) and loan translation (calque).
In our French-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-French dictionary of physical and
rehabilitation medicine the terms are divided into five thematic groups: 1) job titles;
2) names of defects, disorders and diseases; 3) names of classifications, scales and
tests; 4) names of means and methods of rehabilitation; 5) abbreviations of the
Key words: term system, term, comparative analysis, physical therapy,
rehabilitation medicine, French, Ukrainian.

Dissertation File

Autosummary File