
Kratsylo Solomiya Oleksandrivna


Profiling of the concept MARRIAGE in English language


The thesis studies specific features of profiling the concept marriage in
the  English  language  through  a  comprehensive  in-depth  analysis  of  semantic,
cognitive,  linguo-conceptual    and  lingo-semiotic  characteristics  of  means  of
verbalization of its notional, metaphoric and axiological components. The study
is  based  on  lexicographical  sources  (45  dictionaries),  samples  of  fiction  and
treatises (17th to 21st centuries) from 24 sources, archive materials and results of
the  associative  experiment.  Nominative  field  study  includes  lexical  semantic
field  modeling,  whose  units  are  arranged  via  synonymy/antonymy,  logical
categories,  hyponymy  and  associations.  The  problems  of  near-synonymy  and
polysemy, which arise during the research, are dealt with applying continuous
model  and  the  linguistic  study  is  illustrated  with  the  clustered  model  of
‘marriage’ concepts.
The research methodology employed in the thesis is grounded within the
scope of linguo-conceptual approach, which has formed on the merge of linguo-
cultural  studies  and  cognitive  linguistics.  This  approach  embraces  the  metho-
dological  potential  and  data  of  different  scientific  branches  and  therefore  a
number  of  different  analyses  are  singled  out  as  the  means  of  research  of  the
concept MARRIAGE. Etymological, definitional and componential analyses re-
veal  the  notional  component  of  the  concept.  Metaphoric  and  axiological
components  of  the  concept  are  analyzed  through  the  study  of  its  cognitive
microfields,  associative  field,  collocations,  proverbs  and  proverbial  phrases.
Metaphoric  component  is  analyzed  through  conceptual  metaphors,  which  are
recurrent in synchronic and diachronic study.  To research the semantic structure
of the concept MARRIAGE we use the postulate that the structure of the concept
is  three-layered  and  comprises  the  notional,  image-perceptive  and  evaluative
components. The interframe network (as proposed by S. A. Zhabotynska), built
on the analysis of the discourse, helped us to learned in more details not only the
concept MARRIAGE itself, but also its correlations and interconnections with
the other concepts.
The study analyses both common and occasional features for the British
through the semantic analysis of the verbalisers of the concept marriage and its
constituent  components.  Concept  MARRIAGE  is  termed  as  a  multi-
componential concept-cognitive, which belongs to the macro level concerning its
semantic  content;  it  is  a  ritual  concept  from  the  point  of  view  of  its  cultural
specifics which enters the social conceptual field “private sphere of human life” and  the  conceptual  sphere  “human”.  Lexeme  ‘marriage’  is  the  name  of  the
concept MARRIAGE, its main verbaliser and basic means of nomination in the
English language.
Comparative  and  typological  analysis    and  analysis  of  the  logical
verbalisers of the concept MARRIAGE concept in fiction and fictional didactic
works  has enabled us to conduct a diachronic study of the interframe network
based on lingual semantic networks methodology with the thorough analysis of
the concept in main schemas of thing, action, possession and comparison frames.
Script model construction has enabled us to conduct a thorough analysis of the
matrimonial script, highlighting the main stages. Script is understood  as a time
sequence  of  certain  episodes,  stereotypical  scenes  that  are  marked  with
movement  and  development  throughout  time.  These  are  in  fact  frames  that
unfold in time and space dimensions as a sequence of separate episodes, stages
and elements such as a visit to the restaurant, a fight or an excursion. There have
been  singled  out  macrо  and  micro  scripts  in  the  matrimonial  script,  ways  of
situation development, agents, richly illustrated with examples from the fiction.
It  has  been  established  that  pre-marriage  (meeting,  sympathy,  courtship  and
engagement) and marriage (marriage ceremony, daily marital life, in some cases
separation  or  divorce)  periods  constitute  two  key  stages  of  the  script.  Study
results  have  undergone  cognitive  and  comparative  analysis,  tracking  the  evo-
lution of the concept marriage.
The  research  also  tackles  the  problem  in  terms  of  phraseology.  The
semantic  criterion  helped  us  single  out  six  groups  of  phraseological  units
actualizing  the  lexemes-members  of  the  conceptual  field  under  analysis:
marriage state and relations, members of the wedlock, breakage of the marriage
relations,  persons  neglecting  the  norms,  non-traditional  marital  relations,  non-
married  persons.  Proverbs  containing  the  concept  MARRIAGE  appeared  to
constitute a large part of the paremiological layer of the British linguo-culture
and  therefore  they  were  subjected  to  analysis,  which  enabled  us  to  state  their
systemic-structural  character  and  classify  them  within  18  themes,  57  logemes
(logical  phrases)  and  7  sub-logemes.  The  received  data  testify  to  the  fact  that
concept  MARRIAGE  is  one  of  the  basic  for  the  British  ethnic  group,  where
marriage is an important and crucial event in person’s life.
Key  words:  concept,  literary  discourse,  concept  marriage,  profiling,
frame,  script,  conceptual  image,  conceptual  metaphor,  nominative  field,  field

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