
Ostapiv Roman Dmytrovych


Taurine influence on energetic processes in animal cells.

Defence Date



Thesis  for  PhD  degree  in  Biology,  specialty  03.00.13  –  Human  and  animal
physiology. – Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, 2016.
Dissertation  is  devoted  to  studying  of  taurine  influence  on  bode  and  organ
weight,  behavioral  activity,  blood  indexes,  activity  of  lactate  dehydrogenase,  en-
zymes  of  antioxidant  defense  system  and  their  izozymes,  intensity  of  oxygen  con-
sumption by mitochondria, activity of transaminases in brain, testes, thigh muscle and
liver of rats, that were injected per orally with water solution of taurine (40 mg/kg – I
experimental group, 100 mg/kg – II experimental group) for 28 days.
It was detected, that in I experimental group administration of taurine lead to
hypoxic condition which compensated by increase in quantity of red blood cells. In
this group increased activity of lactate dehydrogenase, although, content of piruvate-
synthesizing izozymes decreased, and in animals of II experimental group piruvate-
synthesizing  izozymes  content  increased.  Also  in  rats  of  II  experimental  group
increased AST/ALT ratio which points on liver damage, that could be caused by high
doses of taurine. Per oral administration of taurine causes increase in behavioral ac-
tivity  in  both  experimental  groups.  The  biggest  indexes  are  registered  in  I  experi-
mental group, that may be caused by increase in cytoplasmic AST activity. In this
group respiration of brain mitochondria increased when succinate was used as sub-
strate. On the contrary, in rats of II experimental group oxygen consumption of mito-
chondria decreased at those conditions. Activity of lactate dehydrogenase and antiox-
idant defense enzymes increased in brain and testes of both experimental groups ani-
mals. It testes elevated intensity of peroxidative processes, which caused decrease in
respiratory  controls  of  I  experimental  group.  But  in  testes  of  animals  of  II  experi-
mental group it increased.  In  thigh  muscles of  I  experimental  group  animals  mito-
chondrial respiration decreased, although, activity of lactate dehydrogenase is higher
than in control. In rats’ thigh muscles of both experimental groups intensity of perox-
idative processes elevated, which increased activity of antioxidant defense enzymes.
In liver of both experimental groups oxygen consumption of mitochondria also in-
creased in 1,5–7 times. This caused intensification of peroxidative processes an in-
crease of antioxidant defense enzymes.
Thus, in rats of both experimental groups administration of taurine caused in-
crease in energy processes in tissues, particularly the intensification of oxidative me-
tabolism in the liver and increase LDH activity in thigh muscles, testes and brain.
Along with rising energy metabolism prolonged injection of taurine lead to disruption
of balance between formation of free radicals of oxygen and the activity of enzyme
antioxidant  defense,  resulting  in  damage  to  the  cell  membranes  of  all  investigated
tissues of rats experimental groups except brain, as evidenced by the increase in con-
tent of TBA-active products and the ratio of AST/ALT in blood plasma (concerning
Keywords: taurine, mitochondrial respiration, antioxidant defense, lactate de-
hydrogenase, behavioral activity, brain, testes, thigh muscles, liver, rats.

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