
Safonik Lidiya Mykolayivna


Conceptualization  sense  of  life  in  non-classical  philosophical approaches: social and anthropological context

Defence Date



The thesis is a systematic study, which is devoted to the conceptualization of the
sense of life in non-classical philosophical approaches. Acording to the thesis author
the rethinking sense of life in non-classical philosophical approach is could forsh the
fact that traditional vertical model in providing sense of  life lost its overall demand
since it has been making total function in mind, the creating a situation of insolvency
unauthorized constitution existential meanings and senses of life. Existential dramatic
changes contemporary  people  seek  existential  reliance  that brings the  human  mind
beyond the verbal-metaphysical practices and motivate to seek authenticity of life on
the  “veracity”  of  being  meaningless  helping  overcome  many  life  problems  and
Guided  by  the  instability  of  the  person  in  the  being,  the  author  proposes  the
horizontal principle of  providing meaning of  life that enables creating meanings of
human activity that contributes to the human existence with “o-sense”, “the opinion”
throughout the life.
The dissertation research is based on the main position that is differentiating
senses  and  meaning,  where  meanings  are  rooted  in  emotional  and  sensual  part  of
human nature, outlining the uniqueness and originality of life and meaning are caused
by  verbal  reflexive  thinking  involving  language  and  communication,  argument
mediation.  In  particular,  constitution  of  the  meanings  points  to  the  importance  of
intellectual human potential in providing sense of life. Articulation unity sensual and
reflective  human  capacity  in  the  process  of  constituting  discourse-sense
understanding  clarifies  the  complex  mechanisms  in  providing  sense  of  life.  It  is
emphasized, that this is a way of expressing meaning, ie stable representations that
are fixed in the minds of the people and culture of the people speaking strange fence
Articulated position according to which a person belongs leave the habit to make
hierarchy in sense of life, the sense of life to equate value with the top of the pyramid,
because this idea creates a situation justify life as an obstacle of constitution of the
meanings. In particular, the thesis specify that violence is a way of spraying semantic
horizon  probable  loss  of  sense  in  life,  what  motivates  people  to  consciously  and
responsibly generate discourse of his life, clearly articulating the existential meaning
of life and meaning, giving up other people’s projects in providing sense of  life.
Emphasized  the  splitting  tendencies  of  modern  human  existence  to  certain
existential meaning mosaic. It says that digital culture made possible by the existence
of  modern  man  within  situational  existential  meanings,  causing  the  formation  of
existential  meaning  mosaics.  Indicated  that  man  as  meaningful  mosaic  there
separated  and  closed  at  intensifying  its  communication  through  information
technology.  Determined  that  the  situation  of  human  presence  in  space  situational
meanings endangered vote “Other” of existential space man. Therefore, the obvious
loss of fundamental sense of life necessitates outreach discourse on the importance of
constitution-sense understanding. In the thesis articulated the idea that modern man
learns  to  live  in  a  situation  of  losing  roots  in  dim  outline  of  the  situation-sense
understanding  of  existence  within  the  meaning  of  situational  sense  of  life  and  the
meaning  of  life  identifying  as  little  principle  of  integrative  meaning  of  human
Keywords:  being,  life,  non-classical  philosophy,  sense,  meaning,  discourse,
narrative,  communication,  understanding  person,  freedom,  vocation  crisis,
community, responsibility.

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