
Shapovalovska Lyudmyla Oleksandrivna


Asymptotic properties of analytic functions in the polydisk

Defence Date



In the thesis Levy’s phenomenon for analogue of Wiman’s inequality in the
class of entire functions of several complex variables with rapidly oscilating coeffi-
cients are investigated. Sharp analogues of Wiman’s and Kovary’s inequalities in
the class of analytic functions in D × C are proved. Also sharp analogues of
Kovary’s inequalities in the class of analytic functions in the unit polydisc are
obtained. The distribution of the abscissa of convergence of random Dirichlet
series and distribution of radii of convergence lacunary power series with pairwi-
se independent and in general non identically distributed random coefficients are
Key words: analytic function, Wiman-Valiron’s type inequality, maximum
modulus, maximal term, multiple random power series, random Dirichlet series.

Dissertation File

Autosummary File