
Teslyuk Sofiya Anatoliyivna


Financial Resources of Non-State Pension Funds in Ukraine

Defence Date



The dissertation is devoted to solving the scientifically applied task in relation to
development and substantiating theoretical positions and practical recommendations in
order to increase the efficiency of management of financial resources of NPF in Ukraine
in conditions of socio-economic instability.
The author formulated theoretical and methodological principles for the formation of
financial resources of non-state pension funds, analyzed the system of providing them
with financial resources and justified the recommendations for improving the system of
formation and use of financial resources of non-state pension funds in Ukraine.
The thesis research lends credibility to theoretical and methodological backgrounds
to the financial resource formation in non-state pension funds, provides insight to the
system of financial resources supply to non- state pension funds in Ukraine, and also
indicated guidelines for supplying and use of the financial resources in the course of
operations of non-state pension funds. Improved the structure of the system and the
mechanism for managing the financial resources of non-state pension funds, which, in
contrast to existing approaches, combines the mission, goals and principles of management,
forms, methods and tools of management, characterized by the interaction of two
subsystems (the managing and the administered) that is necessary in the formation
strategic priorities for the development of non-state pension provision in Ukraine.
The state and dynamics of financial resources of domestic non-state pension funds
are analyzed. Due to the regression analysis and the construction of trend models, a mid-
term forecasts of the NPF and its assets was prepared. It offers a set of decision support
tools that can improve the effectiveness uses of financial resources of the NPF, which
allows the complex use of regulatory and incentive measures.
It has been substantiated that the identification and risk management in the activity
of non-governmental pension funds is a complex and multifaceted task for managing the
fund. It is proposed to classify risks in the activity of non-governmental pension funds
into external (risks of distrust, political, legal, systemic, inflationary and cyber-risks) and
internal ones (investment, market, and liquidity). The paper proposes a risk management
system, which is a collection of a number of elements that interact with each other for the
adoption and implementation of management decisions aimed at reducing the likelihood
of adverse outcomes and minimizing potential losses.
Improved methodological approaches to risk assessment adapted to the peculiarities
of functioning of non-state pension funds, which, in the absence of specific quantitative
indicators for evaluation, based on the fuzzy sets method, allow them to calculate,
determine the degree of their integrated impact on pension contributions and retirement
benefits for the development of non-state pension funds appropriate mechanisms for
their minimization, adaptation to them, or complete avoidance.
Improved system of state regulation and supervision of activity NPF and their
financial resources, that is formed by the corresponding international bodies of adjusting
and supervision after the subjects of the non-state pension system, corresponding national
public authorities, organs of management of NPF and voluntarily associations of NPF.
This system functions on the basis of observance of certain principles and directions of
adjusting and supervision.
The concept of formation of the state policy for the development of the financial and
resource base of non-state pension funds in Ukraine (conditions, factors, tasks, directions,
expected results) is grounded, which will promote structural change in the sector of non-
state pension funds, increase its efficiency and competitiveness, and will ultimately have
a positive effect on economic growth and welfare of the population. The model of
accumulation and use of financial resources of non-state pension funds is developed,
application of which, in adapting to the specifics of their functioning, will help to allocate
financial resources more efficiently, taking into account the preliminary results and
forecasts of their activity, as well as the potential of the financial market.
Key words: non-state pension funds, financial resources, pension payments, pension
payments, forecasting, management of financial resources, risks of non-state pension
funds, development strategy.

Dissertation File

Autosummary File