
Kauza Iryna Bohdanivna


Thought in thought as the form of inner speech in Anglophone artistic prosaic texts (based on Margaret Drabble’s novels)

Defence Date



The thesis focuses on the analysis of thought in thought as a form of inner speech in the postmodern novels of the British writer Margaret Drabble. The relevance of the study is determined by the interest of modern linguistic studies in identifying the communicative intentions of text interlocutors endowed with anthropomorphic features – narrator and character, to understand the textual world of artistic works, as well as by determining the degree of their influence on the formation of the reflexion of the world picture. The urgency of the analysis is enhanced by the actualization inner speech forms revealed in the diverse spectrum of speech acts in the textual space of artistic discourse, represented by texts of epic works of the British writer Margaret Drabble, as well as by the emergence of new ways of expressing inner speech in the postmodern literature.

The scientific novelty of the research is that for the first time in modern linguistics based the material of modern English the very thesis presents a versatile and multidimensional description of communicative markers of thought in thought with a support of the methodological foundations of linguocultural studies, linguopoetics and pragmanaratology. The technique of studying thought in thought was first developed in the textual space of the artistic discourse of an individual writer (Margaret Drabble). The role, types and place of thought in thought in the architecturally compositional organization of the British artistic discourse of the writer have been determined. The communicative-pragmatic features of the semantics of thought in thought of British artistic discourse have been clarified and described. The novelty of the research is the description of paradigm of functional manifestations of thought in thought in British artistic discourse. For the first time in the field of modern linguistics the ways, methods and means of expression of thought in thought in English-language artistic prose have been revealed.

The theoretical and methodological apparatus of the study of thought in thought as a form of inner speech with the support of the functions of the paradigm of modern linguistic studies has been developed. The character’s mental activity and ways of its verbalization in the artistic texts of Margaret Drabble’s novels were investigated. Thought in thought is outlined in view of its binary essence as a form of reproduction of the inner world of the hero and his/her linguistic thinking and authorial worldview, which lies in the synthesis of “linguistic” and “extralinguistic” matters in the reader’smind.

Key words: endophasic form of speech, thought in thought, internal speech, character discourse, narrator discourse, representing component, free indirect speech, narrative.

Dissertation File

Autosummary File